Cleaning Out My Closet

Melissa Kascak

January 21, 2025

I had an epiphany that my life would be a lot easier if my sweatshirts were not piled way up over my head.

Sweatshirt placement in your closet shouldn’t be life changing, but in this instance, it was and maybe it will change your life too.

Living with things in a certain way sometimes makes perfect sense. You put the glasses in the cabinet next to the sink. You put your toothpaste in the drawer in your bathroom. You put your sweatshirts on a top shelf in your closet where you have to climb on a precarious step stool to reach them even though you go there every day for one and they are nearly toppling over every time you toss one up on the pile.

That last one doesn’t make much sense.

(Yes, I realize that I have a stupid amount of sweatshirts. I have a tendency to buy more and keep the old ones. One on the bottom of the pile I know I wore when I was pregnant...)

It occurred to me that my sweatshirt system for the last 9 years was not really working for me. Really it never worked for me, but I lived with it for almost a decade. When we moved into this house and made decisions about where things would live, sometimes it was just what made the most sense in that moment. We just needed to unpack and get the boxes out of here and move on with our lives.

Adding a lower set of shelves to my closet where I can easily access my often used clothing has made my life so much simpler. It didn’t even occur to me that there was another way until I got old enough to have a shoulder impingement where apparently reaching over my head is not a good thing for my ligaments. Then the inconvenience became a larger problem that was also painful. I could have made this change years ago, but I just became complacent and it wasn’t until I was in pain that I took another look at my system.

Now when I go into my closet for a sweatshirt, I feel a sense of peace come over me. I hear birds singing and the sun shines a little brighter. Okay, maybe it’s not that life changing, but it is definitely much better overall and as we all know, the little things add up.

Take a look at where you are struggling in your life. Look at the small things and the large. What sweatshirt pile is about to topple over onto you because you are too blind to see that there is a better solution of simply lowering the pile to a different shelf? What could you be looking at differently? What problems are you not even seeing because you are just used to things being a certain way?

Maybe rearranging the closet of your life is a little scary or it will take some time. Reach out to me if you’re looking for some help. Don’t wait until you are in pain to make the change, look for the friction now and get ahead of it. You could change your life in more ways than just more convenient clothing storage.

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