
Melissa Kascak

September 4, 2024

‘God bless you’ isn’t reserved for those of us who are pious or even at all religious.

It’s a social convention that we all adhere to unless you’re Jerry Seinfeld and want to say “you’re so good looking” when someone sneezes in your vicinity…

When my grandmother sneezed, naturally I would say “God bless you!” She would look at me and say, “Ah, He already has.”

My grandmother lived to the ripe old age of 95. She was a cherished matriarch of our large and loving family. (Her story is one for the ages.) She wasn’t kidding when she talked about how blessed she was!

We say “bless you” without thinking. We hear it without realizing what’s being said.

My grandmother used it as a reminder that she felt truly blessed in her life. She was practicing gratitude in her own easy way.

I hope maybe that will inspire you to feel your own gratitude for the blessings you have received in your life. Thinking about your blessings doesn’t require any god at all, just noticing and appreciating things that are good in your world and that make you feel happy.

Practicing gratitude is a good way to invoke the law of attraction. What you focus on will return to you.

Consider this: if you’re shopping for a station wagon, you can’t help but see station wagons everywhere you look. If you are trying to get pregnant, you find that you are surrounded by pregnant women. If you think of how unlucky you are, all you’ll see is all the bad luck that comes your way.

What you focus on, you will find.

Now, the law of attraction only goes so far. You can’t just visualize things and expect everything to fall into your lap while you sit idly by.

It's like that old joke about the guy who is flooded out of his house and prays for God to save him. When each rescue vehicle comes by to save him, he says “No thanks, God will save me.” But then he drowns and God says, “I sent all those vehicles to save you! What more do you want from me!”

My grandmother noticed how blessed she was. She had plenty of hardships in her life but she chose not to focus on those. And she continued to be beloved by most people who had the privilege of connecting with her in their lives.

If you focus your attention on your blessings, you will notice more blessings to appreciate. If you focus your attention on achieving your goals, more opportunities will present themselves to you. It’s an upward spiral of positivity and seeing things in a new light.

If you need some new ways of finding your blessings and focusing on the positive aspects of your life, let's talk. Maybe you are missing some opportunities that are right within your reach but you are letting them float right past.

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