Stop Doing
All The Things
Start Delegating Like a BOSS

FREE Workshop

For Busy Professional Moms


Stop Doing
All The Things

Start Delegating
Like a BOSS

FREE Workshop

For Busy Professional Moms

If you're feeling overwhelmed and burnt out, chances are you're doing too many things.

You've probably heard about delegating. Maybe you even tried it once or twice. But are you doing it as efficiently or frequently as you can? Are you doing it at work and at home?

If you're anything like most people, you know you SHOULD be delegating, but there are things that stand in your way. Namely, YOU. Watch this free workshop in less than 30 minutes, and you'll be ready to take some of those things off your plate.

If you're feeling overwhelmed and burnt out, chances are you're doing too many things.

You've probably heard about delegating. Maybe you even tried it once or twice. But are you doing it as frequently or as efficiently as you can? Are you doing it at work and at home?

If you're anything like most people, you know you SHOULD be delegating, but there are things that stand in your way. Namely, YOU. Watch this free workshop in less than 30 minutes, and you'll be ready to take some of those things off your plate.

Discover in this half hour session:

Input your

1. The huge cost you incur when you don't delegate.

  • We'll go over some of the reasons why it's in your best interest to stop doing all the things.

2. Your biggest delegation obstacles, and how to overcome them.

  • There are a few key reasons we resist delegating tasks. Find out why you are blocking yourself from unloading tasks to others.

3. The proven stress-free, error-free formula for delegating even your most complicated tasks.

  • Get helpful strategies for delegating that you can start using today.

All in less than 30 minutes!

Why should you listen to me?

Hi there, I am Melissa Kascak. Like you, I have a lot on my plate.

I have plenty to keep track of as the Director of Operations for both Summit Success, a global personal and professional development firm, and Summit Press Publishers, a premier publisher of expert positioning books. I'm also a certified personal and professional coach specializing in helping working women and mothers fit themselves back into their lives.

I have two young sons and a household to run. It's worth noting that my sons are both primary school age and are in charge of their own laundry, start to finish. Now that's some delegation right there, am I right?